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The page provides list of software realted to immunoinformatics or vaccine informatics. These packages are important for researcher working in the field of epitope or peptide based vaccines. In OSDDlinux we have divided in categories i) All for all type ofsoftware, ii) Webservers for web services, iii) Galaxy for software integated in Galaxy, iv) GUI for graphics based software, v) Third for software not belongs to Raghava's group
Predict of B-cell epitopes (antigenic region) with high accuracy is one of the major challenges in designing subunit/peptide vaccine or immunotherapy.
Software name
propred1.pl -i input_file -o output -p path -i Sequence in FASTA format -o name of out put folder
nhla4pred.pl -i input_file -o output -p path -i Sequence in FASTA format -o name of out put file
pcleavage.pl -i input_file -o output -p path -i Sequence in FASTA format -o name of out put file
tabpred.pl -i input_file -o output -p path -i Sequence in FASTA format -o name of out put file
ctlpred.pl -i input_file -o output -p path -i Sequence in FASTA format -o name of out put file
propred.pl -i input_file -o output -p path -i Sequence in FASTA format -o name of out put file
HLA-DR4 Pred
hladr4pred.pl -i input_file -o output -p path -i Sequence in FASTA format -o name of out put file
mhc.pl -i input_file -a allele -o output -i Sequence in FASTA format -a: Select Allele: 1 for HLA-DR1, 2 for HLA-DR2, 3 for HLA-DR5 -o name of out put file
nhla4pred.pl -i input_file -o output -p path -i Sequence in FASTA format -o name of out put file
abcpred.pl -i input_file -t threshold -w window size -o output -i: input file in fasta format -t: Threshold Value (ranges from 0.1 to 1, Default is 0.5) -w: Window size (Default is 16) -o: output file
cbtope.pl -i input_file -o output -i: input file in fasta format -o: output file
cbtope.pl -i input_file -o output -i: input file in fasta format -o: output file