Prediction results of RNAcon

All the prediction results showing here into a table of four columns. Input column is the FASTA header of given sequences. Prediction column is the result of discrimination between coding and non-coding RNA with SVM score. The classification column display the classification result of predicted ncRNA with prediction score (maximum 1.0). User can also see the complete distribution results of all predicted ncRNAs by clicking on the provided link. The structure column shows the IPknot software based predicted structure of RNA.

Prediction result for job number - RNAcon-2743
SVM Threshold Selected = 0.0
Total numder of predicted ncRNAs : 4
Total number of predicted coding RNAs : 1

1. mRNA_SERPINF1 Coding RNA (-1.84)
2. tRNA_Ala Non-coding RNA (2.00)
tRNA (0.88)
3. tmRNA Non-coding RNA (1.21)
tmRNA (0.81)
4. MIRNA Non-coding RNA (1.67)
MIRNA (0.93)
5. HACA-BOX Non-coding RNA (1.67)
HACA-BOX (0.65)