       Prediction of NAD interacting residues in proteins

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*** If you are using this server, please cite Ansari , H. R. and Raghava, G. P. S. (2010) Identification of NAD interacting residues in proteins. BMC Bioinformatics 11:160 ***

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+ or NAD) is one of the most commonly used organic cofactor in living cells, which play a crucial role in cellular metabolism, storage and regulatory processes.
Several NAD binding proteins have been reported in literature, which are responsible for wide-range of activities in a cell. NAD binding to these proteins at a specfic site affect their ultimate action.
Therefore it is important to identify NAD interacting residues in NAD binding proteins in order to understand their mechanism of action.
First time a sequence-based method has been developed for the prediction of NAD interacting residues in proteins in the absence of any prior structural information. The overall accuracy of this server is ~ 87%.

If you are using this webserver, please cite:

Hifzur R Ansari and Gajendra PS Raghava. Identification of NAD interacting residues in proteins. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:160.
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