TheHLA-DR4Pred is an SVM and ANN based HLA-DRB1*0401(MHC class II alleles) binding peptides prediction method. The accuracy of the SVM and ANN based methods is ~86% and ~78% respectively.The performence of the methods was tested through 5 set cross-validation. The training of SVM and ANN was done by using the freely availaible SVM_LIGHT and SNNS packages respectively. The data for training of neural network and SVM model has been extracted from MHCBN database.This method will be useful in cellular immunology, Vaccine design, immunodiagnostics, immunotherapeuatics and molecular understanding of autoimmune susceptibility.
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ANN     Threshold     
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Dr. G P S Raghava
Coordinator, Bioinformatics Centre
Institute of Microbial Technology
Sector 39A, Chandigarh, India
Phone: +91-172-690557 +91-172-690908
Fax: +91-172-690585 +91-172-690632

If you use this webserver please cite: Bhasin M, Raghava GPS (2004).SVM based method for predicting HLA-DRB1 binding peptides in an antigen sequence. Bioinformatics 20(3): 421-3