A server for the prediction of Cancer lectins |
CancerPred is a web-server specially trained for predicting the Cancerlectins. Lectins are important biomolecules and play important functions in many processes e.g cell to cell recognition, host-pathogen interactions etc. In the same way Cancerlectins are those lectins which are known to play roles in cancer metastasis and tumor progress, oncogenesis etc. CancerPred is mainly designed for distinguishing Cancerlectins from Non-cancer lectins.
The method is based upon SVM-modules developed by calculating composition calculation of monopeptide, dipeptide, Split amino acids compositions; Position Specific Scoring Matrix(PSSM) and PSSM with PROSITE Domains. We found that certain domains are abundant in cancer lectins while other are more frequent in Non-cancer lectins. This PROSITE domain is intergrated with Evolutionary Information and a highly accurate prediction server was developed.
The webserver allows the user to predict a protein sequence as Cancer-lectin with an accuracy of 69.09% and MCC=0.38. The result of prediction is displayed in the tabular form showing prediction result with svm scores.
If you are using this web server, please cite the following article
Kumar R, Panwar B, Chauhan J.S and Raghava G.P.S : Analysis and prediction of cancerlectins using evolutionary and domain information. BMC Research Notes 2011, 4:237.
Bioinformatics Centre, Institute Of Microbial Technology,Chandigarh,India